Church of the Savior is a progressive, Christian church. We are an inclusive church, and we celebrate our diversity in religious background, race, sexual orientation, economic background and abilities. Our members are not required to swear allegiance to a defined set of beliefs. Instead, our beliefs are rooted in God’s extravagant love and welcome to all who seek.

You will be welcome at our church, regardless of who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey. We hope that you will be met here by the living Christ.

an oblong metal church bell suspended from a rough-hewn wood beam.

We offer worship service at 11:30 AM each Sunday, with Children’s Time, choir or special music, a thoughtful meditation on scripture, and Sunday School for children. Childcare is also available for children up to 5 years old in our nursery.

This service is live-streamed on FaceBook, YouTube, and our BoxCast channel.



As long as you're wearing them, feel free to wear whatever clothes you like! You'll see people in jeans, and you'll see people in their "Sunday best". We want you to be comfortable, and what you wear on the outside is not as important to us as what’s in your heart.

We play all kinds of music during service: traditional hymns in English or other languages, contemporary music, and meditative and instrumental pieces. 

Worship begins with the ringing of the church bell in our Memorial Garden and includes shared prayers, hymns and songs, choral music, readings from the Christian scriptures and other sources, and thoughtful sermons. We take up an offering to support our ministry together and support many other progressive causes in our community and world. There is also a time where the community shares their joys and concerns. 

a printed bulletin in the foreground and a congregation of people in the background.
a group of eight children standing facing the pastor, who is wearing vestments.

We love kids! In fact, there's a special kid's time near the beginning of every service where children are invited to the front for a special talk just for them. Afterwards, they can come back and join you again, or we offer age-appropriate Sunday school classes.  

We also have a nursery where children under the age of five can play while being cared for. Parents are welcome at any of these classes or they may stay in the nursery. 

four small children playing on the floor of a room with large windows.