Our COS Youth Group
A space where you can be comfortable being yourself and learn about theology, scripture, and following The Way of Jesus! We have a small group of dedicated adult facilitators who help to guide discussions on topics ranging from Spiritual Practices That Ground and Center Us to How to Talk to Friends whose Religious and Political Beliefs Are Wildly Different from Mine!
We also go on Service/Immersion Trips and fun retreats, do service work around the church campus, and join other congregation leaders in advocacy and justice work!
Our Youth Group is firmly and joyfully Open & Affirming to LGBTQIA+ folks! We meet during the worship servive, after Children’s Time, in Shalom House!

Youth Group Facilitator, Doug Hulsether, helps Eva Rogers hide Easter eggs!

Our 2023 Confirmands and Families with Rev. Tonya

The confirmation class with Rev. Tonya

Our weekend at Narrow Ridge, learning about following The Way of Jesus

Amelia leading Children's Time during our Youth Led Worship Service
Spring Service Day-Planting a pollinator garden with the Creation Justice Team

COS Youth Group & Chaperones at Sugar Mountain during Winter Youth Retreat 2023

We were the first ones to arrive for morning worship!

Some of our youth group, mid-discussion

Youth at the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, AL

Hike in Tremont

Spring Service Day-some youth bagging groceries in the FISH Emergency Food Pantry, located on our campus

Our COS Youth join other members of the congregation to march in the MLK Parade