Church of the Savior
“Let Love Shine”
Capital Campaign, 2024 – 2027
Preparing the Way
Our pastor, Rev. John Gill, has retired from Church of the Savior after 30 years of progressive Christian leadership in our church and our wider community. During that time, Church of the Savior has grown and our missions, outreach and passion for justice and inclusivity calls us to welcome and open our space to many groups who share our values.
Donating to the Church of the Savior Capital Campaign is the perfect way to celebrate John’s ministry and leadership at Church of the Savior and in the Knoxville community. It’s easy to make a contribution in his honor-just click on the “MAKE A ONE-TIME DONATION” button for a direct link to our online giving platform -OR- click on the “MAKE A PLEDGE” button to fill out a pledge card for future giving!
Rev. John Gill, Senior Pastor Church of the Savior UCC from 1993 until September 2024
Church of the Savior has grown beyond its walls! Now we are called to:
Support our Missions
Expand our Gathering & Meeting Space
Make Accessible Space for All
Prepare for New Generations
Enhance our Worship Experience
Expand our Community Outreach
Walk More Lightly on our Earth
We can do all this. Together, we can prepare a more welcoming home for those seeking a vital, inclusive and progressive Christian community in East Tennessee.

To make a pledge: return this pledge card to the Church Office at cosucc@bellsouth.net or at 934 N. Weisgarber Rd., Knoxville, TN 37909.
Give online using the “DONATE” button above or by sending a check to the Church Office with "Capital Campaign" in the memo line.
To learn more about donating by Qualified Charitable Distributions, stocks and bonds, or other appreciated assets, read this FAQ or contact Dave Zandstra at 2000davez@gmail.com or Yvonne Marsh at ymarsh@marshwealth.com.
“Think about the fact that one day we’ll be in the ‘ancestor’ category and about the legacy we’ll have left.
I can think of a lot worse situations than having our descendants one day write:
‘Even during a pandemic that shut down America, our ancestors kept looking forward to see what Church of the Savior could become. We are benefitting from their courage and vision to push ahead when everyone said that just wasn’t possible.’
Well, we’ll see. But I would love to be part of such a legacy and I know you would, too.”
Why I gave.
Church of the Savior is one of the most important parts of my life, spiritually and because of the loving community I found here. In hard times, people don’t just say “I’m sorry,” but show their caring in so many ways. My children tell me I need a better car, new clothes, new this or that, but this is where I want my money to go, because this is what’s important in my life.
MaryAnne McNutt
Why we gave.
We gave because with a bigger and better space, we can have new programs and COS can attract and involve more people in all the projects we already support--LGBTQ rights, workers rights, immigrant rights, etc. This makes the future impact of our gift even larger.
Dave Zandstra & Diana Moyer
Why I gave.
Church of the Savior has been an open and affirming community, accepting and celebrating me for who I am. It has gone deeper, allowing me to heal from past religious trauma. Being part of this community gives me meaning and purpose, while the intergenerational cohort of queer elders maps out possible futures for me. I’m forever grateful for this gem of a community.
Brooke Bianchi-Pennington
Why I gave.
I'm giving, both to walk the path and build the path. As a soon-to-be member, I'm joining our member-sustainers' path in coming together to recharge COS. Building better meeting and dining spaces will equip us to reach out to the community more, with a radiant entrance that previews the love and life glowing inside.
John Bohstedt
Why I gave.
I pledged to the COS Capital Campaign because I want our congregation to reach our $1.6 million goal, which is the level that will include the renovation of the sanctuary. The sanctuary design includes a much improved space for the choir, other musical ensembles and the pianist, all of whom make significant contributions to our overall worship experience.
Karen Nickell
Why we gave.
The expansion and improvements in the Let Love Shine Campaign are so exciting. The very deciding and committing to this project is a significant, meaningful step to be taking together. We are stepping out in faith and saying “YES” to this community, to each other, and to the work God is doing; expanding our hospitality, our collective imagination, and our faith in what is possible. What a gift it is to be a part of this project.