News from your Creation Justice Team

The CJT invites you to consider two on-line opportunities happening soon:

1. Introduction to Religions and Ecology

Check out, and enroll in, this amazing online course offered by Yale University: Introduction to Religions and Ecology. This is available now and is self-paced and full of information pertinent to Creation Justice.

Here is the link

2. Climate Action Assembly Webinar

Mar 6, 2024 01:00 PM

The UCC Council for Climate Justice will be hosting a Climate Action Assembly to hear updates on the three endeavors launched for this year: the Freedom from Plastics Campaign, the Electrification Checklist Initiative, and the Vote for Climate Hope Campaign. Each of these programs is rooted in recent General Synod resolutions. Climate Action Assemblies are open to all members of the UCC.

Register Here

3. Knoxfill

Also, for an in-depth guide to Zero Waste – Disposal, check out Knoxfill. Knoxville’s local refillery is a wonderful resource for sustainable living. They’ve done the legwork for various recycling centers, especially places that accept hard-to-recycle items.

Here is the link


Recycling at Church of the Savior