Winter Sowing Event
The COS Creation Justice Team is sponsoring a Winter Sowing Event in late December/early January. We will be planting native plant seeds in containers, which will then sit outside so that they can germinate. The plants will then be distributed in the spring. This will be an opportunity for youth and adults to participate in growing native plants from seeds.
What is Winter Sowing?
Winter sowing is a method of starting seeds outdoors in winter. The method takes advantage of natural temperatures, rather than artificially refrigerating seeds to satisfy cold stratification.
Winter sowing involves sowing seeds in an enclosed container outside during winter, allowing them to germinate in spring.
What are the advantages of Winter Sowing?
It is simple to do.
It’s efficient. You do not have to run grow lights for weeks at a time when starting seeds indoors or invest in a lot of expensive equipment. It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg.
You don’t need to worry about having leggy seedlings because they are planted and grown outdoors. Winter sown seedlings are hardier!
There is no need to harden off the seedlings as they are already acclimated to outdoor conditions. They are ready to plant whenever the outside temperature has sufficiently warmed, and they are the right size (1” to 3” or 2 sets of real leaves, whichever comes first).
It allows someone who doesn’t have the room, a grow light setup, nor the window space available indoors to start seeds successfully.
Prevents seeds from being washed away or eaten.
You have so many choices when you grow your own plants from seeds.
You know that your plants were not treated with any pesticide.
What kind of containers can I use for Winter Sowing?
Any container that can hold at least 3 inches of soil and that is translucent or allows light in from the top.
Examples include translucent milk jugs, water jugs, juice bottles, clear and green soda bottles, aluminum pans, salad boxes, plastic containers, pretzel barrels, cheese curl containers, ice cream buckets, nut containers, etc.
For the COS Winter Sowing Event, we will be collecting milk jugs.
When do we start?
Many people start after the Winter Solstice (Dec 21) but the timing is flexible. Seeds that require cold stratification should be started first to give them exposure to cold temperatures.
The COS event will be in January.
What are the steps?
The containers first need to be prepared. Milk jugs are cut in half and holes put in the bottoms and sides for drainage.
3-4 inches of pre-moistened potting soil is added to each jug.
Seeds are scattered across the surface of the potting soil. Each jug is labeled with the type of plant.
The containers are closed (leaving an opening at the top for moisture to get into the jug).
Jugs are placed outside in an area where they will get some sunshine and be exposed to rain/snow.
Jugs are checked periodically to ensure that they are not getting dried out.
Once the seedlings are about 2 inches tall and have sprouted one set of true leaves, they are separated and planted into small pots. These plants will be distributed to members of the congregation.
What can I do to help?
During the month of December, please save milk jugs. Do not bring them to the church until requested! An announcement will be made when they are needed.
If you have experience with gardening, native plants, or winter sowing, we would love to have your help in planning and running the event. Please contact Ceil Sheahan or Jackie White if you are interested.
Come and participate in the event! All are welcome!