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Church of the Savior UCC
A Blue Christmas Service
7 PM, Wednesday, December 14, 2022


The true light, which enlightens everyone,
was coming into the world.

The light shines in the deepest night
and the night cannot overcome it.

                                                               Gospel of John, Chapter 1

Ringing of the Bell (
7 PM)
Welcome and Opening Words

Opening Reading from Luke 1:78-79
By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us…
to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death…
to guide our feet into the way of peace!     

Call to Worship
     L: Come to this place apart, you who are weary; 
          Here God waits for you and all that you carry.
     P: We come seeking a refuge from the expectations
         and demands of this season.

     L: Come to this place, you who long for a safe haven; 
         enter into the mystery of the Holy Presence.
     P: We come with some hesitation, yet also with a longing 
         to know God's Love again in the depth of our being.

     L: Come to this place, you who are resilient;
         the Creator of All is with you.
     P: We are here, waiting with faith for the fresh touch
         of divine involvement in our lives.  

Sing:      "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” vs. 1-3          NCH #131

Opening Prayer         
    L: O God of great compassion, may the light that shines from the
       manger in Bethlehem be the light in our hearts that guides, protects,
       and enlightens us; in the name of the Crucified & Risen One, we pray.
P: The light shines in the deepest night and the night cannot
        overcome it.

A Reading from Matthew 2:1-8, 17-18
Response: A Litany based on Psalm 22
      L:   My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
      P:   Why are you so far from helping me,
            so far from the words of my groaning?

      L:   O My God, I cry by day, but you do not answer,
      P:   And by night, but I find no rest.
      L:   Yet you are holy. In You, our ancestors trusted.
      P:   They trusted and You delivered them. 
      L:   It was you who took me from the womb;
      P:   And ever since my birth you have been my God.
      L:   Do not be far from me now,
  ALL:  For trouble is near and there is no one to help.

Sing:                         "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"         NCH #116
                                         verse 1, with Alex Engle
Reflection                         Light and Shadow
Time for Silent Reflection
with a special music medley by pianist, Carol Shane

     Using a pencil and a piece of paper, you are invited to write down (or hold in your mind) the loss or hurt or worry you carry that makes this time a journey through the night for you.
Words of Grace (from Psalm 22)
      L:   Sisters and Brothers, God does not despise the affliction of the afflicted. God does not hide from us. When we cry to God, God hears us.
A Reading from Matthew 2:9-12              
Reflection                                         A Guiding Star
     Again using your paper or card, if you can, write down the name of a person or anything else that serves as a guiding star in the night for you at this time.
Special Music with Alex Engle      “The Lone Wild Bird” by Gwyneth Walker

Prayer for Healing
     L: Holy One, the Christmas Season reminds us of all that used to be and cannot be anymore. The memories of what has been, the fears of what may be, stifle us. All around us we hear the sounds of celebration. But all we experience is a sense of loss and sadness.
         Please be near us this night. In the silence, help us to hear your
voice. In the darkness, help us to see your light.
     P: Help us to remember: Your light shines in the deepest night
          and the night cannot overcome it. 

Sing:            "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," verse 2        NCH #116

Anointing with Oil
At this time, anyone who would like to be anointed with oil for healing is invited to come forward to the altar, whenever you are ready, or to light a candle as a sign of prayer, or both.
Sing:          "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," verse 6         NCH #116
     L: We light the 1st Advent candle to remember those whom we have loved & lost. We pause to remember their names, their faces, their voices.
                                          (Moment of silence)
       We give thanks for the memory that binds them to us during this season which anticipates Christmas. 
ALL: May God’s eternal love surround them.
                                             (Light Candle)
     L: We light the 2nd candle to redeem the pain of loss: the loss of relationships, the loss of physical and mental health, and the loss of jobs and homes and savings.
                                           (Silent prayer)
     We gather up the pain of the past year and offer it to You, O God, asking that into our open hands, You will place the gift of hope and peace. 
ALL: Refresh, restore, renew our strength, O God, and lead us into your future.
                                           (Light Candle)
      L: We light the 3rd candle to remember our world, wracked with the pain of so many who have faced political oppression, bigotry, and the loss of friends & loved ones, homes & livelihoods, health & even life due to violence, war, disease, and natural disasters.
                                          (Silent prayer)
           We especially remember people in war-torn places like Ukraine and Syrian, Somalia and Ethiopia; those who are fighting for human rights in Iran, Russia, and our own country; victims of natural disasters in Indonesia, Puerto Rico, Florida, and elsewhere; and victims of gun violence in the US & abroad, from a girls education center in Kabul, Afghanistan, to Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas, to a night club in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
ALL: May your love be made real to those who mourn.
                                       (Light Candle) 
     L: We light the 4th candle to remember ourselves this Christmas time.
                           (Silent meditation and prayer)
         We pause and remember the past weeks, months and, for some of us, years of down times. We remember the poignancy of memories, the grief, the sadness, the hurts, the pain of reflecting on our own mortality and the darkness of our world.
ALL: Help us remember the dawn that defeats every darkness.
                                       (Light Candle)
     L: Finally, we light the Christ Candle to remember our faith and the gift of hope that God offers to us in the Christmas story. We remember that the God who shares our life also shares our suffering and promises us a place & time when every hurt will be healed. 
ALL: Help us to trust in the One who shows us the way, and who walks with us through every door, down every path.      
                                      (Light Candle)
Sing:     "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," verse 7             NCH #116
Closing Prayer               
     L: O God, we hold the days and nights that lie ahead in your holy light. Steady us, guide us, and sustain us. Keep us alert to the possibility of a quiet miracle breaking into our lives.
ALL: Help us to remember: Your light shines in the deepest night and the night cannot overcome it. Amen.
The Blessing
Sing:                            "Silent Night”                                 NCH #134
                              The Deep Peace of Christ Be With You!

SPECIAL THANKS to pianist Carol Shane, and Alex Engle, our Music Director, for tonight’s music.

NOTE: See the weekly e-news for info about other upcoming Christmas services.

January 29

Worship Service